Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cameras and Sensors and Rabbits, oh my!

As previously mentioned, Run! is the game we are focusing on for now.

For this game we needed to find a sensor that worked well with our mechanics, meaning that it could basically detect and measure the motion that users' hands give off, take those fluctuations and then change the speed of our character within the game based on those numbers. 

At the beginning of the quarter we were introduced to Leap Motion by our professor. 

Sarah vigorously tested the Leap Motion over the course of the first two weeks. With little result, we contacted an alumni of SCAD that works with that company currently and found that sadly, the Leap Motion could not be used for our needs. 

Sarah then started testing IR sensors with the arduino microprocessor. 

This was also not what we needed because it basically detected motion or no motion, on or off. And because what we need is more complicated than on and off, we marked this sensor off the list.

Also, the radius the IR sensor detected was a bit too large and didn't fit with the sink installation we envisioned for it's use.

But in the end, we found the proper sensor!

Believe it or not, a webcam was all we needed. We stumbled upon a webpage that had an example of what a webcam could do.

Viewing the example:

Because the game is programmed using the Processing language, you must first download processing to run the program.

Visit to download it, it only takes a minute or two to download!

Once you've downloaded it, click on the image to the left and copy the code from the webpage and paste it into your processing window. Make sure you have a webcam hooked up and hit the play button!

When the program is run, the webcam viewport is displayed with an ellipse at its center. Every time motion is produced, the ellipse changes size. Once we saw this, we knew we could use it. The fact that it detected different levels of motion meant that in our minds, different levels of speed could be produced for our rabbit! Hells yes.

More updates to come!

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